I can count the times we’ve put one car in the garage. It’s 5. All of them due to heavy rains/storms and vehicles that had issues with leaking in heavy rains. And it took a Herculean effort to make space for the car in. Normally, they are parked in the driveway. Why? Because of all the crap in our garage! We have the normal things like bikes, lawnmower, other lawn/yard tools. But we’ve got lots of disorganized stuff in the garage and things everywhere so that there isn’t space to park one, let alone two cars in the garage, using the garage for its’ designed purpose.
So how about you? Do you use your garage for the intended purpose? Could you do something different to be able to park your car or cars in the garage? What would need to change? How do you change it?
My whole point in looking at this is not to point fault. In my neighborhood, there are so many houses that don’t have cars parked in the garages. My point in this is to encourage you, as well as myself, to look at the space you have, and to ask if there’s a better way. There may be, or there may not be. In our garage, we have a chest freezer, as well as our washer and dryer. That limits our space. But it all depends on your situation. You may not have any issue with parking your cars in your garage. Awesome! I’ll have more on organization in the garage and the rest of the house soon enough! If not, you’ve got some things to consider and some work to do!
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