
Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Stuff, stuff, stuff!

While we’re regularly obsessed with stuff, in the month of December, we become even more obsessed with stuff. Decorations, getting, giving, stuff is everywhere. So how do you survive and focus in on what’s most important when you’re surrounded by stuff?

Surviving can be simple, yet very difficult. When you’re asked about what you would like, give an honest answer. My wife and I had a conversation with my mother because she wanted to get my daughters something physical for Christmas. We told her to get them an AMC gift card so that they can go see a movie. Personally, I’d rather have all of us go to a movie as opposed to more stuff in their rooms that will get left everywhere and broken.

As you’re getting your Christmas decorations out, ask yourself this question. “Is this beneficial for me?” If it isn’t, don’t put it up. Or better yet, get rid of it! And the same way with presents. When you’re thinking about what to give, give something that isn’t going to just be used, broken and/or discarded. Give something that is beneficial for the other person.

I want to finish with a short word on expectations. A lot of times in this time of year, we place unrealistic expectations on ourselves or others. You are human. You can only do so much. It doesn’t have to be perfect. It has to come from the heart and be genuine. Place realistic expectations on yourself and others. It will make your Christmas much happier!

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